
12/18 カイパー(以下略 用のキャラ

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Sergeant Duck, level 2 Dragonborn, Warlord Build: Tactical Warlord Warlord: Combat Leader Commanding Presence: Tactical Presence Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breat…

9/5 シャドウフェル用キャラクター ドラボン・ウォーロード

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Gilmour, level 1 Dragonborn, Warlord Build: Inspiring Warlord Warlord: Combat Leader Commanding Presence: Inspiring Presence Dragon Breath Key Ability: Dragon Breath St…


====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== パーシバル(Percival), level 2 Changeling, Wizard Build: Control Wizard Arcane Implement Mastery: Orb of ImpositionFINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 8, Con 11, Dex 13, Int 18, Wi…

5月3日 鯛足烏賊DMエベロン 『忘れられた鋳造所、4版』用キャラクター

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== パーシバル(Percival), level 1 Changeling, Wizard Build: Control Wizard Arcane Implement Mastery: Orb of ImpositionFINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 8, Con 11, Dex 13, Int 18, Wi…

1月11日用 1レベルキャラクター

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ====== Apache, level 1 Human, Swordmage Build: Shielding Swordmage Swordmage Aegis: Aegis of Shielding Background: Great Dale (Great Dale Benefit)FINAL ABILITY SCORES Str 13, …